Lavasoft vient de mettre en ligne la version 1.06 de son logiciel phare Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition.

Pour rappel, Ad-Aware est un logiciel anti-espions capable d'éradiquer la pluparts des espions laissés sur votre PC par des publicitaires peu scrupuleux et autres pirates.

Bref, un outil indispensable pour tout surfeur intrépide qui se respecte ;-)

Cette nouvelle version amène une très forte amélioration de la rapidité des analyses (environ +30%) ainsi qu'une meilleure analyse.

Voici la liste des changements apportés à cette version:

  • Disk-scan is approximately 30 % faster.
  • CSI scan is now more efficient.
  • Added "Scan for low risk threats" option, to scan for targets with low TAC index.
  • Ad-Watch CSI engine performance highly improved; using less CPU and Memory.
  • GUI adapted to use the new TAC.
  • Freezing during scan (occurring on some systems) now corrected.
  • Combination of the +silent and +update command line parameters no longer prevents scan completion.
  • The +nodefnotice command line parameter now suppressing "out-of-date"message on preferences window.
  • Ad-Watch TrayIcon tooltip indicating the loaded definition file now refreshed when the definition file is changed or updated in Ad-Aware.
  • Several minor GUI improvements (Ad-Aware, Ad-Watch and Proc-Watch).
  • The Extension submenu(s) are now disabled if no extensions are installed.
  • Average TAC rating for content detected during scan added to the scan-summary page.
  • Reghance related context menu options in Result and MRU list now updated if status of Reghance installation is modified in the Preferences.
  • "Risk" replaced by "Relevance" on Object-detail window.
  • "Vendor" replaced by "Name" (result, ignore and statistic-lists.

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Télécharger Ad-Aware Personnal Edition 1.06 (Gratuit pour un usage non-commercial)