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Pourquoi acheter un logiciel propriétaire quand on a un logiciel libre supérieur sur bien des points ?

1 réponse
Pandi - Panda
Bien, un article montre pourquoi des utilisateurs quittent des
logiciels Open SOurce pour du close source

1 réponse

Pandi - Panda a écrit :
Bien, un article montre pourquoi des utilisateurs quittent des logiciels
Open SOurce pour du close source

ahem, il serait /vraiment/ temps d'arrêter d'envoyer des sms à tes
copains de bac à sable pendant les cours d'anglais :

Citation de l'article :
An accounting VAR whom I've known for 25 years explained that her company used a Microsoft open source app, an add-in to Solomon (now Microsoft Dynamics SL), for several clients. "It was the only way we could get Time Entry to work from a Macintosh," she said. "We dropped [the open source app] when the clients upgraded because we were forced to. Microsoft did not upgrade the product for the next version!

et, mieux encore, commentaire immédiat à l'article :

Slight clarification of my quote

I wanted to offer a clarification to my quote you used.

AS2 is not a product I dumped; it is a protocol. I dumped a OSS AS2 product that didn't have the management features that our organization needed, and subsequently the OSS wuftpd site that had duplicated functionality in the later-chosen commercial file transfer framework (but didn't have the management tie-ins).

~ Paul