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Problem with Office 2007 Personal Folders backup Add-in

1 réponse

I installed french version of "Office 2007 Add-in Personal Folders backup"
on my VISTA Ultimate 32bits laptop. I downloaded setup program from
following link:

Prior to install, I double-checked that Outlook wasn't running. Right
after install was successfully completed, I restarted laptop just to be sure.

I then started Outlook 2007. Surprisingly, I couldn't find any option in
"File" submenu related to the new backup function which should have been

If I follow Microsoft documentation related to this new add-in, I should
have found a new option "Copie de sauvegarde" ("Backup) under "Fichier"
("File") submenu which is not there at all...

I double-checked control panel to ensure that the add-in was added which I
can confirm.

Am I missing something or maybe is there a bug with the french version of

Thanks in advance for your help. Hope to hear from someone.


1 réponse

J. K.
Bonjour, soir, Stéphane,

[je supprime les lignes qui ne sont pas indispensables à la
compréhension de la question].

Thanks in advance for your help. Hope to hear from someone.

C'est un groupe francophone, pourquoi s'exprimer en anglais ?
Et surtout avec un lien qui mène vers la kb en français.

