La société allemande Ahead vient de mettre à disposition la dernière version de son logiciel phare: Nero Burning Rom V (Ultra Edition - Package 1).
Pour rappel Nero est un logiciel de gravure très performant et simple d'utilisation. Faites "glisser, déposer" puis graver.
Faire plus simple semble difficile! Du côté du pack ultra, on peut compter sur pas mal d'utilitaires permettant de peaufiner vos créations à l'extrême: Nero Cover Designer (pour créer votre propre jaquette), Nero Express (pour vraiment délester le programme de toutes les fonctions et en venir au plus simple), Nero ImageDrive, Nero SoundTrax, Nero Wave Exditor et pour terminer, celui que l'on retrouve souvent dans les tests des lecteurs: Nero CD-DVD Speed.
Nero possède un des moteurs de gravure les plus performants du marché et s'est vu à ce titre décerner de nombreuses récompenses et notamment un prix dans la catégorie gravure au CeBIT 2004 pour la version 6.3 et plus récement le couple Nero 6 et Recode 2 "Recommanded by Pc Pro".
Nero peut tout graver: CD Audio, CD de données, CD ISO, CD de boot, VCD, SVCD, miniDVD, DVD de donnée, DVD Vidéo et DVD DL.
D'autre part, pour ceux qui ont d'autres besoins, différents packages plus orienté multimédia ou ré-autoring de DVD sont également disponibles.
Liste des changements entre la version /
New Features
- Added support for new recorders
Nero Express:
- The user will now be informed if the DirectX™ version needs to be updated for handling MPEG-2 files.
Nero StartSmart:
- Support for updated help files has been added
Bug Fixes
Nero Burning ROM / Nero Express:
- A Windows XP SP2 compatibility problem is solved
- In the expert features of the preferences a localisation problem is solved
- Wrong message was shown when an installation was cancelled
- New function was added for changing the booktype with several drives
- Implemented a workaround for some device specific problems
- A problem with the audio plugin manager is solved
- Improvement for DVD+VR support on DVD+R9 media was made to determine if a layer breakpoint is set
- While opening the setting tab in the expert feature an error occurred
- Burning a VCD from a MPEG-1 file failed under Windows™ 95b
Nero Burning ROM:
- All controls are now disabled after the burn process is finished
- When adding data to a DVD-RW instead of overwriting existing data another media was demanded
- A problem with burning VCD is resolved
- Fixed a problem that some burnt CD medias were not readable anymore
- An unnecessary system reboot at the end of a DVD–VR disc copy process is solved
- Audio CD image copy with checked option “copy all subchannel data” resulted in a CD with silence and clicks
- Fixed a instability problem when copying a DVD-VR disc
Nero Express:
- A problem with a strange title name in Nero Express is solved
- When an AAC and a WMA file were added, the slider could not be moved
- An error occurred when trying to burn a S-VCD from a S-VCD compliant MPEG-2 file under Windows ME™
- A problem with adding DRM protected audio files to Nero Express has been solved
- The volume label name of a DVD video compilation is now corrected in case of specific system language
- A localization problem under Korean systems in the time track for creating audio CDs is solved
- The time-slider in the preview window was jumping back after moving
- Fixed a problem in the preview movie player
- A multisession CD could not be continued after two sessions
- Can’t enter more than only one Korean word in VCD disc name is resolved
- A problem with VCD burning under Windows™ 98 SE is resolved
- Improvement for displaying Thai text strings on some buttons was made
- Adding a video file to a compilation with the add button wasn’t possible
Nero StartSmart:
- A Windows XP SP2 compatibility problem is solved
- Fixed a problem with user profiles
- Entering a new serial number was rejected with an error
- Resolved a GUI problem when switching languages
Nero BackItUp:
- Some GUI improvements are made
Nero Wave Editor:
- Playback of a WMA file failed when a file was opened the first time
Nero Cover Designer:
- A problem that was caused by clicking on the brush tool is fixed
Téléchargez Nero Burning Rom Ultra Edition (Shareware, 28.4 Mo)
Téléchargez Pack Français pour Nero Burning Rom (Addon, 8.53 Mo)