Notre confrère anglais du site parle de nous autres français.

La polémique ' Tout simplement le fait que notre ministre de la culture vient de décider de ne plus utiliser le mot "e-mail", qu'il juge trop anglais, mais de lui subsistituer le plus "agréable" "courriel" (on ne rigole pas !).

Bref, une mini polémique comme on les aime et qui montre bien que nos amis anglais n'ont toujours pas digéré notre non participation à la guerre en Irak...

No comments....

"The Culture Ministry of France has announced an official ban on the word "e-mail." The word, which is considered too English, is no longer allowed to be used in official French communication, such as documents, the Internet, or even e-mail messages themselves. Instead, the word "courriel" is preferred.

Courriel is made up from the phrase "courier electronique," but is not expected to take over for the use of e-mail in the general public. "E-mail" is already so engrained in the French language that most French do not consider it English. The Culture Ministry has done this before, including the time it outlawed the word "Walkman" in favor of "baladeur.""