any password work for login, sudo, ssh, etc.

3 réponses
Jean-Baptiste Roquefère

since a few weeks ago, I can type any password (or no one, if I want!) to unlock my session, to "su", "sudo", distant session, etc.

when I type "su", I'm logged as root without any ask for password.

I've already done some searchs, thanks to the thread I created last week here (fr)

Please, can you give me some help?!

I havent installed anything "dangerous", I'm a java developper, and my office computer is used just for this (office).

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bits

3 réponses

Jean-Baptiste Roquefère
Mince, je suis sur un group français!
Excusez mon post en anglais, mais j'imagine que ça n'aura pas été un problème!

Le lundi 29 juillet 2013 09:06:49 UTC+2, Jean-Baptiste Roquefère a écri t :

since a few weeks ago, I can type any password (or no one, if I want!) to unlock my session, to "su", "sudo", distant session, etc.

when I type "su", I'm logged as root without any ask for password.

I've already done some searchs, thanks to the thread I created last week here (fr)

Please, can you give me some help?!

I havent installed anything "dangerous", I'm a java developper, and my of fice computer is used just for this (office).

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bits
Le 29/07/2013 09:08, Jean-Baptiste Roquefère a écrit :
since a few weeks ago, I can type any password (or no one, if I want!) to unlock my session, to "su", "sudo", distant session, etc.

De quand date la dernière modification de /etc/pam.d/common-auth ?
Quel est son contenu ?
Geo Cherchetout
Le 29/07/2013 09:08, *Jean-Baptiste Roquefère* a écrit fort à propos :

Please, can you give me some help?!

À quoi ressemble ton fichier /etc/passwd ? Y a-t-il bien comme dans le mien
un x dans le deuxième champ de chaque ligne ? Exemples :
