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Petite info interresante : (Le point 6 est le summum du "je te prends pour un con cher client")

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Hello Guys,

i want to give you a short Overview about the new Encryption of the Cable-/Satellite-Providers as a FAQ.

1. At first above Sat and Cable only HD-Program will be encrypted with the exigency of an CI+-compatible Receiver, on Cable every Private-TV will be encrypted as most of you know, there will be no Changes. SD-TV above Satellite will be free/not
Public legal-TV (Sorry, don´t know the correct Name in English ) like ARD, ZDF, Phoenix and so on will be everytime free to watch, already in HD-Quality.

2. Every Cable-Receiver ( i mean to say DVB-Boxes, not TV-Cards) will work as before. There will be for the present no Changes.

3. CI+ will come in early 2010 for Cable-Users.

HD+ will work from the 1. November, because the german Providers RTL and VOX will provide there Program from this Time seperately in HD and SD-Quality. In the early 2010 above Satellite Pro7 and Sat.1 will also start with parallel SD and HD-TV.

4. It is (at this Time) not possible to watch and/or record TV with any HTPC/TV-Card. Attention: There will be CI+/HD+-Modules available, but this only 50%, you also must have a CI+/HD+-compatible CI-Slot, and this is not designated for PC-based
Solutions. So, please save your Money...

This Information is confirmed on the 22.10.2009 by Technisat, Hauppauge and Terratec ( i mailed with them).

5. If you want to watch HD-TV above Satellit, there is an Subscription for 365 Days required. This will cost 50.-€ per Year. It ends automatically, there is no need to quit by yourself.
For Cable i have no more concrete Infos, will hand in them later when i know it definitly.

6. There is no Possibility to skip Ad´s in Recordings or Timeshift. You can skip inside the Movie/Show, but you have to watch the Ad´s.

7. The TV-Providers have the Right/Possibilty to limit your Recordings. They can decide if you´re allowed to record a Show or not. Or they can limit the Time you can watch it. For example they can decide that you can watch your Recording for one Week
after you recorded it, and after one Week it is useless.

What also is interesting and important to know: When you recorded something (in HD) and you Quit your Subscription, your no longer able to watch your Recordings!

I will work continiously on this FAQ. If anyone have additional Infos or found a Mistake, please inform me.

And if anyone could have a look above my grammar i would be very pleased.

Best regards



2 réponses

JCB a écrit :
Petite info interresante : (Le point 6 est le summum du "je te prends pour un con cher client")

source :


C'est intéressant et très triste pour moi.
Lorsque je ne pourrai plus enregistrer canaillesat avec ma Dreambox /
abo off, ils recevront une lettre de résiliation et je prendrai Fransat.
en général, cacasat ne tient pas compte des lettres de résiliation et
continue à te taxer.
perso, ça a duré des mois avant que je n'arrête les prélèvements bancaires.
du coup, ils m'ont mis dans les pattes de Intrum Justitia, boite de
recouvrement bidon qui rachète des créance et qui prétendait me faire payer
qq centaines d'euros + la restitution d'un décodeur que je n'ai jamais eu
(abo carte seule).
ils ont même un huissier 'marron' basé à strasbourg dans le coup ;-)

comme toi, je pensais pouvoir me désabonner, ne recevant plus leurs
émissions suite au non renouvellement des abonnemants carte seule. j'ai eu
beau réclamer, envoyer des R+AR pour demander ma nouvelle carte... rien n'y
a fait. à croire qu'ils n'ont plus de service clients !

j'ai donc perdu 3 mois prélevés et non servis en programmes. impossible
aussi de me faire rembourser.
et ces connards d'Intrum qui voulaient me faire payer jusqu'au terme de mon
abonnement !!!

j'était abonné depuis 18 ans comme me l'indiquait leur canard les rares fois
où je l'ai reçu.
client VIP qu'ils disaient !!
la honte pour eux !