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comment tester l'appui sur une touche ?

4 réponses
Bonjour à tous,

Comment faire pour tester l'appui sur la touche (ctrl) ou les touches (ctrl
+ alt) en même temps qu'on clic sur un objet image ?

J'ai donc un objet image sur la feuille qui sert de bouton quand on clic
dessus et qui lance une macro. J'aimerais que la macro ne se lance que dans
le cas ou en plus du clic sur cette image on tient volontairement la touche
(ctrl) enfoncée.

Si vous avez une idée elle sera la bien venue !


4 réponses


Voici un code de Chip Pearson que tu peux t'amuser à modifier
selon ton application.

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
' modKeyState
' By Chip Pearson,,
' This code is at
' This module contains functions for testing the state of the SHIFT, ALT, and CTRL
' keys.

' Declaration of GetKeyState API function. This
' tests the state of a specified key.
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

' This constant is used in a bit-wise AND
' operation with the result of GetKeyState
' to determine if the specified key is
' down.
Private Const KEY_MASK As Integer = &HFF80 ' decimal -128

' KEY CONSTANTS. Values taken
' from VC++ 6.0 WinUser.h file.
Private Const VK_LSHIFT = &HA0
Private Const VK_RSHIFT = &HA1
Private Const VK_LCONTROL = &HA2
Private Const VK_RCONTROL = &HA3
Private Const VK_LMENU = &HA4
Private Const VK_RMENU = &HA5
' The following four constants simply
' provide other names, CTRL and ALT,
' for CONTROL and MENU. "CTRL" and
' "ALT" are more familiar than
' "CONTROL" and "MENU". These constants
' provide no additional functionality.
' They simply provide more familiar
' names.
Private Const VK_LALT = VK_LMENU
Private Const VK_RALT = VK_RMENU

' The following constants are used to specify,
' when testing CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT, whether
' the Left key, the Right key, either the
' Left OR Right key, or BOTH the Left AND
' Right keys are down.
' By default, the key-test procedures make
' no distinction between the Left and Right
' keys and will return TRUE if either the
' Left or Right (or both) key is down.
Public Const BothLeftAndRightKeys = 0
Public Const LeftKey = 1
Public Const RightKey = 2
Public Const LeftKeyOrRightKey = 3

Public Function IsShiftKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long = LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
' IsShiftKeyDown
' Returns TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the
' SHIFT key is down.
' If LeftOrRightKey is omitted or LeftKeyOrRightKey,
' the function return TRUE if either the left or the
' right SHIFT key is down. If LeftKeyOrRightKey is
' LeftKey, then only the Left SHIFT key is tested.
' If LeftKeyOrRightKey is RightKey, only the Right
' SHIFT key is tested. If LeftOrRightKey is
' BothLeftAndRightKeys, the codes tests whether
' both the Left and Right keys are down. The default
' is to test for either Left or Right, making no
' distiction between Left and Right.
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) And GetKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) And KEY_MASK)
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyShift) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsShiftKeyDown = CBool(Res)
End Function

Public Function IsControlKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long = LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
' IsControlKeyDown
' Returns TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the
' CTRL key is down.
' If LeftOrRightKey is omitted or LeftKeyOrRightKey,
' the function return TRUE if either the left or the
' right CTRL key is down. If LeftKeyOrRightKey is
' LeftKey, then only the Left CTRL key is tested.
' If LeftKeyOrRightKey is RightKey, only the Right
' CTRL key is tested. If LeftOrRightKey is
' BothLeftAndRightKeys, the codes tests whether
' both the Left and Right keys are down. The default
' is to test for either Left or Right, making no
' distiction between Left and Right.
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And KEY_MASK)
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyControl) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsControlKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function

Public Function IsAltKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long = LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
' IsAltKeyDown
' Returns TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the
' ALT key is down.
' If LeftOrRightKey is omitted or LeftKeyOrRightKey,
' the function return TRUE if either the left or the
' right ALT key is down. If LeftKeyOrRightKey is
' LeftKey, then only the Left ALT key is tested.
' If LeftKeyOrRightKey is RightKey, only the Right
' ALT key is tested. If LeftOrRightKey is
' BothLeftAndRightKeys, the codes tests whether
' both the Left and Right keys are down. The default
' is to test for either Left or Right, making no
' distiction between Left and Right.
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And KEY_MASK)
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyMenu) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsAltKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function

'The following are test procedures to illustrate the code.
'Run the procedure named Test and then press the keys that
'you want to test. Test calls ProcTest via OnTime to allow
'you to press the appropriate keys. The results are displayed
'in the Debug window of the VBA Editor.

Sub Test()
' Test
' This is a procedure to test and demonstrate the Key-State
' functions above. Since you can't run a macro in the VBA
' Editor if the SHIFT, ALT, or CTRL key is down, this procedure
' uses OnTime to execute the ProcTest test procedure. OnTime
' will call ProcTest two seconds after running this Test
' procedure. Immediately after executing Test, press the
' key(s) (Left/Right SHIFT, ALT, or CTRL) you want to test
' for. The procedure called by OnTime, ProcTest, displays the
' status of the Left/Right SHIFT, ALT, and CTRL keys.
Application.OnTime Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2), "ProcTest", , True
End Sub

Sub ProcTest()
' ProcTest
' This procedure simply displays the status of the Left adn Right
' SHIFT, ALT, and CTRL keys.
Debug.Print "SHIFT KEY: ", "LEFT: " & CStr(IsShiftKeyDown(LeftKey)), _
"RIGHT: " & CStr(IsShiftKeyDown(RightKey)), _
"EITHER: " & CStr(IsShiftKeyDown(LeftKeyOrRightKey)), _
"BOTH: " & CStr(IsShiftKeyDown(BothLeftAndRightKeys))

Debug.Print "ALT KEY: ", "LEFT: " & CStr(IsAltKeyDown(LeftKey)), _
"RIGHT: " & CStr(IsAltKeyDown(RightKey)), _
"EITHER: " & CStr(IsAltKeyDown(LeftKeyOrRightKey)), _
"BOTH: " & CStr(IsAltKeyDown(BothLeftAndRightKeys))

Debug.Print "CTRL KEY: ", "LEFT: " & CStr(IsControlKeyDown(LeftKey)), _
"RIGHT: " & CStr(IsControlKeyDown(RightKey)), _
"EITHER: " & CStr(IsControlKeyDown(LeftKeyOrRightKey)), _
"BOTH: " & CStr(IsControlKeyDown(BothLeftAndRightKeys))

End Sub

"Gouap" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :

Bonjour à tous,

Comment faire pour tester l'appui sur la touche (ctrl) ou les touches (ctrl
+ alt) en même temps qu'on clic sur un objet image ?

J'ai donc un objet image sur la feuille qui sert de bouton quand on clic
dessus et qui lance une macro. J'aimerais que la macro ne se lance que dans
le cas ou en plus du clic sur cette image on tient volontairement la touche
(ctrl) enfoncée.

Si vous avez une idée elle sera la bien venue !

Merci pour ta réponse...

Pour le moment je n'ai pas encore compris comment m'en servir ni même
comment ça fonctionne tout ce code mais je ne désespère pas ;)


"michdenis" a écrit dans le message de news:

Voici un code de Chip Pearson que tu peux t'amuser à modifier
selon ton application.

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
' modKeyState
' By Chip Pearson,,
' This code is at
' This module contains functions for testing the state of the SHIFT, ALT,
and CTRL
' keys.

' Declaration of GetKeyState API function. This
' tests the state of a specified key.
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

' This constant is used in a bit-wise AND
' operation with the result of GetKeyState
' to determine if the specified key is
' down.
Private Const KEY_MASK As Integer = &HFF80 ' decimal -128

' KEY CONSTANTS. Values taken
' from VC++ 6.0 WinUser.h file.
Private Const VK_LSHIFT = &HA0
Private Const VK_RSHIFT = &HA1
Private Const VK_LCONTROL = &HA2
Private Const VK_RCONTROL = &HA3
Private Const VK_LMENU = &HA4
Private Const VK_RMENU = &HA5
' The following four constants simply
' provide other names, CTRL and ALT,
' for CONTROL and MENU. "CTRL" and
' "ALT" are more familiar than
' "CONTROL" and "MENU". These constants
' provide no additional functionality.
' They simply provide more familiar
' names.
Private Const VK_LALT = VK_LMENU
Private Const VK_RALT = VK_RMENU

' The following constants are used to specify,
' when testing CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT, whether
' the Left key, the Right key, either the
' Left OR Right key, or BOTH the Left AND
' Right keys are down.
' By default, the key-test procedures make
' no distinction between the Left and Right
' keys and will return TRUE if either the
' Left or Right (or both) key is down.
Public Const BothLeftAndRightKeys = 0
Public Const LeftKey = 1
Public Const RightKey = 2
Public Const LeftKeyOrRightKey = 3

Public Function IsShiftKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long =
LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
' IsShiftKeyDown
' Returns TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the
' SHIFT key is down.
' If LeftOrRightKey is omitted or LeftKeyOrRightKey,
' the function return TRUE if either the left or the
' right SHIFT key is down. If LeftKeyOrRightKey is
' LeftKey, then only the Left SHIFT key is tested.
' If LeftKeyOrRightKey is RightKey, only the Right
' SHIFT key is tested. If LeftOrRightKey is
' BothLeftAndRightKeys, the codes tests whether
' both the Left and Right keys are down. The default
' is to test for either Left or Right, making no
' distiction between Left and Right.
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) And GetKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) And
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyShift) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsShiftKeyDown = CBool(Res)
End Function

Public Function IsControlKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long =
LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
' IsControlKeyDown
' Returns TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the
' CTRL key is down.
' If LeftOrRightKey is omitted or LeftKeyOrRightKey,
' the function return TRUE if either the left or the
' right CTRL key is down. If LeftKeyOrRightKey is
' LeftKey, then only the Left CTRL key is tested.
' If LeftKeyOrRightKey is RightKey, only the Right
' CTRL key is tested. If LeftOrRightKey is
' BothLeftAndRightKeys, the codes tests whether
' both the Left and Right keys are down. The default
' is to test for either Left or Right, making no
' distiction between Left and Right.
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyControl) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsControlKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function

Public Function IsAltKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long =
LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
' IsAltKeyDown
' Returns TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the
' ALT key is down.
' If LeftOrRightKey is omitted or LeftKeyOrRightKey,
' the function return TRUE if either the left or the
' right ALT key is down. If LeftKeyOrRightKey is
' LeftKey, then only the Left ALT key is tested.
' If LeftKeyOrRightKey is RightKey, only the Right
' ALT key is tested. If LeftOrRightKey is
' BothLeftAndRightKeys, the codes tests whether
' both the Left and Right keys are down. The default
' is to test for either Left or Right, making no
' distiction between Left and Right.
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyMenu) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsAltKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function

'The following are test procedures to illustrate the code.
'Run the procedure named Test and then press the keys that
'you want to test. Test calls ProcTest via OnTime to allow
'you to press the appropriate keys. The results are displayed
'in the Debug window of the VBA Editor.

Sub Test()
' Test
' This is a procedure to test and demonstrate the Key-State
' functions above. Since you can't run a macro in the VBA
' Editor if the SHIFT, ALT, or CTRL key is down, this procedure
' uses OnTime to execute the ProcTest test procedure. OnTime
' will call ProcTest two seconds after running this Test
' procedure. Immediately after executing Test, press the
' key(s) (Left/Right SHIFT, ALT, or CTRL) you want to test
' for. The procedure called by OnTime, ProcTest, displays the
' status of the Left/Right SHIFT, ALT, and CTRL keys.
Application.OnTime Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2), "ProcTest", , True
End Sub

Sub ProcTest()
' ProcTest
' This procedure simply displays the status of the Left adn Right
' SHIFT, ALT, and CTRL keys.
Debug.Print "SHIFT KEY: ", "LEFT: " & CStr(IsShiftKeyDown(LeftKey)), _
"RIGHT: " & CStr(IsShiftKeyDown(RightKey)), _
"EITHER: " & CStr(IsShiftKeyDown(LeftKeyOrRightKey)), _
"BOTH: " &

Debug.Print "ALT KEY: ", "LEFT: " & CStr(IsAltKeyDown(LeftKey)), _
"RIGHT: " & CStr(IsAltKeyDown(RightKey)), _
"EITHER: " &
CStr(IsAltKeyDown(LeftKeyOrRightKey)), _
"BOTH: " &

Debug.Print "CTRL KEY: ", "LEFT: " & CStr(IsControlKeyDown(LeftKey)), _
"RIGHT: " & CStr(IsControlKeyDown(RightKey)), _
"EITHER: " &
CStr(IsControlKeyDown(LeftKeyOrRightKey)), _
"BOTH: " &

End Sub

"Gouap" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :

Bonjour à tous,

Comment faire pour tester l'appui sur la touche (ctrl) ou les touches
+ alt) en même temps qu'on clic sur un objet image ?

J'ai donc un objet image sur la feuille qui sert de bouton quand on clic
dessus et qui lance une macro. J'aimerais que la macro ne se lance que
le cas ou en plus du clic sur cette image on tient volontairement la
(ctrl) enfoncée.

Si vous avez une idée elle sera la bien venue !


Dans une feuille de calcul,
tu dois utiliser un contrôle "Image" de la boite à outils Contrôle.
En mode création, à l'aide de la la propriété "Picture" de la fenêtre propriété,
tu insères l'image désirée.
Toujours en mode création, double-clique sur le contrôle image, tu vas te
retrouver dans le module feuille dans une procédure "Private Sub Image1_Click()"
il ne te reste plus qu'à appeler la procédure "ProcTest"

Private Sub Image1_Click()
Call ProcTest
End Sub

Attention aux lignes de code qui peuvent être coupées par le service de messagerie.

Dans un module standard, copie cette procédure :
'Haut du module, déclaration API et constantes

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
' modKeyState
' By Chip Pearson,,
' This code is at
' This module contains functions for testing the state of the SHIFT, ALT, and CTRL
' keys.

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

Private Const KEY_MASK As Integer = &HFF80

Private Const VK_LCONTROL = &HA2
Private Const VK_RCONTROL = &HA3
Private Const VK_LMENU = &HA4
Private Const VK_RMENU = &HA5

Private Const VK_LALT = VK_LMENU
Private Const VK_RALT = VK_RMENU

Public Const BothLeftAndRightKeys = 0
Public Const LeftKey = 1
Public Const RightKey = 2
Public Const LeftKeyOrRightKey = 3

Public Function IsControlKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long = LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And KEY_MASK)
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyControl) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsControlKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function

Public Function IsAltKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long = LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
Dim Res As Long
Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And KEY_MASK)
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyMenu) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsAltKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function
Sub ProcTest()

Dim S As Integer, C As Integer
S = IsAltKeyDown(LeftKey) + IsAltKeyDown(RightKey)
C = IsControlKeyDown(LeftKey) + IsControlKeyDown(RightKey)

If S = -1 And C = -1 Then
MsgBox "les 2 touches Alt et Ctrl ont été enfoncés"
ElseIf S = -1 And C = 0 Then
MsgBox "Seule la touche Alt a été enfoncée."
ElseIf S = 0 And C = -1 Then
MsgBox "Seule la touche Ctrl a été enfoncée."
MsgBox "Ni la touche Ctrl et Maj ont été enfoncées."
End If

End Sub
Merci Michdenis pour toutes ces explications claires.
Tout ça fonctionne désormais à merveille.
C'est exactement ce qu'il me falait.
Merci encore !

Je vais surement
"michdenis" a écrit dans le message de news:

Dans une feuille de calcul,
tu dois utiliser un contrôle "Image" de la boite à outils Contrôle.
En mode création, à l'aide de la la propriété "Picture" de la fenêtre
tu insères l'image désirée.
Toujours en mode création, double-clique sur le contrôle image, tu vas te
retrouver dans le module feuille dans une procédure "Private Sub
il ne te reste plus qu'à appeler la procédure "ProcTest"

Private Sub Image1_Click()
Call ProcTest
End Sub

Attention aux lignes de code qui peuvent être coupées par le service de

Dans un module standard, copie cette procédure :
'Haut du module, déclaration API et constantes

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
' modKeyState
' By Chip Pearson,,
' This code is at
' This module contains functions for testing the state of the SHIFT, ALT,
and CTRL
' keys.

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

Private Const KEY_MASK As Integer = &HFF80

Private Const VK_LCONTROL = &HA2
Private Const VK_RCONTROL = &HA3
Private Const VK_LMENU = &HA4
Private Const VK_RMENU = &HA5

Private Const VK_LALT = VK_LMENU
Private Const VK_RALT = VK_RMENU

Public Const BothLeftAndRightKeys = 0
Public Const LeftKey = 1
Public Const RightKey = 2
Public Const LeftKeyOrRightKey = 3

Public Function IsControlKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long =
LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
Dim Res As Long

Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LCTRL) And GetKeyState(VK_RCTRL) And
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyControl) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsControlKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function

Public Function IsAltKeyDown(Optional LeftOrRightKey As Long =
LeftKeyOrRightKey) As
Dim Res As Long
Select Case LeftOrRightKey
Case LeftKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And KEY_MASK
Case RightKey
Res = GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And KEY_MASK
Case BothLeftAndRightKeys
Res = (GetKeyState(VK_LALT) And GetKeyState(VK_RALT) And
Case Else
Res = GetKeyState(vbKeyMenu) And KEY_MASK
End Select

IsAltKeyDown = CBool(Res)

End Function
Sub ProcTest()

Dim S As Integer, C As Integer
S = IsAltKeyDown(LeftKey) + IsAltKeyDown(RightKey)
C = IsControlKeyDown(LeftKey) + IsControlKeyDown(RightKey)

If S = -1 And C = -1 Then
MsgBox "les 2 touches Alt et Ctrl ont été enfoncés"
ElseIf S = -1 And C = 0 Then
MsgBox "Seule la touche Alt a été enfoncée."
ElseIf S = 0 And C = -1 Then
MsgBox "Seule la touche Ctrl a été enfoncée."
MsgBox "Ni la touche Ctrl et Maj ont été enfoncées."
End If

End Sub