Récent acquéreur d'une webcam Razer Kiyo, elle est parfaitement reconnu
par debian sid. Par contre, que ce soit cheese, vlc... tous ne me
permettent d'utiliser que du 640 x 480. La cam peut fournir du 1080p.
J'ai commencé Í fouiller un peu avec v4l2-ctl, Í priori pas trouvé
d'option pour la résolution
sortie de v4l2-ctl -l
brightness 0x00980900 (int)Â Â Â : min=0 max%5 step=1 default8 value8
                      contrast 0x00980901 (int)   : min=0 max%5
step=1 default8 value8
                    saturation 0x00980902 (int)   : min=0 max%5
step=1 default8 value8
 white_balance_temperature_auto 0x0098090c (bool)  : default=1 value=1
                          gain 0x00980913 (int)   : min=0 max%5
step=1 default=0 value=0
          power_line_frequency 0x00980918 (menu)  : min=0 max=2
default=2 value=2
     white_balance_temperature 0x0098091a (int)   : min 00 maxu00
step default@00 value@00 flags=inactive
                     sharpness 0x0098091b (int)   : min=0 max%5
step=1 default8 value8
        backlight_compensation 0x0098091c (int)   : min=0 max=1
step=1 default=0 value=0
                 exposure_auto 0x009a0901 (menu)  : min=0 max=3
default=3 value=3
             exposure_absolute 0x009a0902 (int)   : min=3 max 47
step=1 default7 value6 flags=inactive
        exposure_auto_priority 0x009a0903 (bool)  : default=0 value=1
                  pan_absolute 0x009a0908 (int)   : min=-36000
max6000 step600 default=0 value=0
                 tilt_absolute 0x009a0909 (int)   : min=-36000
max6000 step600 default=0 value=0
                focus_absolute 0x009a090a (int)   : min=0 max%5
step=1 default=0 value%5 flags=inactive
                    focus_auto 0x009a090c (bool)  : default=1 value=1
                 zoom_absolute 0x009a090d (int)   : min0 max0
step default0 value0
J'ai vu qu'il existait openrazer, des drivers et utilitaires pour
configurer le matériel Razer.
Installé, modules compilés, redémarrage ; la Kiyo ne fait pas partie du
matériel supporté...
Dons je viens chercher un peu d'aide. A priori je suppose que le
problème vient en amont des logiciels, un driver Í installer, un firmware...
Si quelqu'un Í la même, ou une autre, et qu'il sait comment autoriser
les résolutions maximales de la webcam (pour l'instant je n'ai qu'un
choix, celui indiqué plus haut, dans cheese).
Merci, et bon début de we.
Cette action est irreversible, confirmez la suppression du commentaire ?
Signaler le commentaire
Veuillez sélectionner un problème
Vente illégale
Discours haineux
F. Dubois
Je rajoute la sortie de v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext ioctl: VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT    Type: Video Capture    [0]: 'MJPG' (Motion-JPEG, compressed)       Size: Discrete 640x480          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1920x1080          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1280x720          Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 640x360          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)    [1]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)       Size: Discrete 640x480          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 640x360          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)    [2]: 'H264' (H.264, compressed)       Size: Discrete 640x480          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1920x1080          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1280x720          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 640x360          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps) Le 1080p est présent donc devrait être possible. lsusb Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1532:0e03 Razer USA, Ltd Gaming Webcam [Kiyo] lsusb -v Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1532:0e03 Razer USA, Ltd Gaming Webcam [Kiyo] Couldn't open device, some information will be missing Device Descriptor:  bLength               18  bDescriptorType        1  bcdUSB              2.00  bDeviceClass         239 Miscellaneous Device  bDeviceSubClass        2  bDeviceProtocol        1 Interface Association  bMaxPacketSize0       64  idVendor          0x1532 Razer USA, Ltd  idProduct         0x0e03 Gaming Webcam [Kiyo]  bcdDevice          79.13  iManufacturer          1 Alpha Imaging Tech. Corp.  iProduct               2 Razer Kiyo  iSerial                0  bNumConfigurations     1  Configuration Descriptor:    bLength                9    bDescriptorType        2    wTotalLength      0x02c7    bNumInterfaces         4    bConfigurationValue    1    iConfiguration         0    bmAttributes        0x80      (Bus Powered)    MaxPower             500mA    Interface Association:      bLength                8      bDescriptorType       11      bFirstInterface        0      bInterfaceCount        2      bFunctionClass        14 Video      bFunctionSubClass      3 Video Interface Collection      bFunctionProtocol      0      iFunction              0    Interface Descriptor:      bLength                9      bDescriptorType        4      bInterfaceNumber       0      bAlternateSetting      0      bNumEndpoints          1      bInterfaceClass       14 Video      bInterfaceSubClass     1 Video Control      bInterfaceProtocol     0      iInterface             0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               13        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     1 (HEADER)        bcdUVC              1.00        wTotalLength      0x0069        dwClockFrequency      30.000000MHz        bInCollection          1        baInterfaceNr( 0)      1      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength                9        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)        bTerminalID            4        wTerminalType     0x0101 USB Streaming        bAssocTerminal         0        bSourceID              2        iTerminal              0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               27        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)        bUnitID                2        guidExtensionCode {2c49d16a-32b8-4485-3ea8-643a152362f2}        bNumControls           6        bNrInPins              1        baSourceID( 0)         6        bControlSize           2        bmControls( 0)      0x3f        bmControls( 1)      0x00        iExtension             0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               27        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)        bUnitID                6        guidExtensionCode {23e49ed0-1178-4f31-ae52-d2fb8a8d3b48}        bNumControls           5        bNrInPins              1        baSourceID( 0)         3        bControlSize           2        bmControls( 0)      0xff        bmControls( 1)      0x6f        iExtension             0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               18        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)        bTerminalID            1        wTerminalType     0x0201 Camera Sensor        bAssocTerminal         0        iTerminal              0        wObjectiveFocalLengthMin     0        wObjectiveFocalLengthMax     0        wOcularFocalLength           0        bControlSize                 3        bmControls          0x00020a2e          Auto-Exposure Mode          Auto-Exposure Priority          Exposure Time (Absolute)          Focus (Absolute)          Zoom (Absolute)          PanTilt (Absolute)          Focus, Auto      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               11        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     5 (PROCESSING_UNIT)      Warning: Descriptor too short        bUnitID                3        bSourceID              1        wMaxMultiplier         0        bControlSize           2        bmControls    0x0000175b          Brightness          Contrast          Saturation          Sharpness          White Balance Temperature          Backlight Compensation          Gain          Power Line Frequency          White Balance Temperature, Auto        iProcessing            0        bmVideoStandards    0x00      Endpoint Descriptor:        bLength                7        bDescriptorType        5        bEndpointAddress    0x84 EP 4 IN        bmAttributes           3          Transfer Type           Interrupt          Synch Type              None          Usage Type              Data        wMaxPacketSize    0x0040 1x 64 bytes        bInterval              8    Interface Descriptor:      bLength                9      bDescriptorType        4      bInterfaceNumber       1      bAlternateSetting      0      bNumEndpoints          0      bInterfaceClass       14 Video      bInterfaceSubClass     2 Video Streaming      bInterfaceProtocol     0      iInterface             0      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           16        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 1 (INPUT_HEADER)        bNumFormats                        3        wTotalLength                  0x01aa        bEndPointAddress                 129        bmInfo                             0        bTerminalLink                      4        bStillCaptureMethod                0        bTriggerSupport                    0        bTriggerUsage                      0        bControlSize                       1        bmaControls( 0)                    0        bmaControls( 1)                    0        bmaControls( 2)                    0      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           11        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 6 (FORMAT_MJPEG)        bFormatIndex                       1        bNumFrameDescriptors               4        bFlags                             0          Fixed-size samples: No        bDefaultFrameIndex                 1        bAspectRatioX                      0        bAspectRatioY                      0        bmInterlaceFlags                0x00          Interlaced stream or variable: No          Fields per frame: 1 fields          Field 1 first: No          Field pattern: Field 1 only        bCopyProtect                       0      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           30        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        1        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                           640        wHeight                          480        dwMinBitRate                 3686400        dwMaxBitRate                94371840        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333        bFrameIntervalType                 1        dwFrameInterval( 0)           333333      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           30        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        2        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                          1920        wHeight                         1080        dwMinBitRate                 3686400        dwMaxBitRate                94371840        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333        bFrameIntervalType                 1        dwFrameInterval( 0)           333333      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           34        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        3        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                          1280        wHeight                          720        dwMinBitRate                 7372800        dwMaxBitRate               188743680        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        166666        bFrameIntervalType                 2        dwFrameInterval( 0)           166666        dwFrameInterval( 1)           333333      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           30        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        4        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                           640        wHeight                          360        dwMinBitRate                 3686400        dwMaxBitRate                94371840        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333        bFrameIntervalType                 1        dwFrameInterval( 0)   Â
Je rajoute la sortie de v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext
   Type: Video Capture
   [0]: 'MJPG' (Motion-JPEG, compressed)
      Size: Discrete 640x480
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
      Size: Discrete 1920x1080
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
      Size: Discrete 1280x720
         Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
      Size: Discrete 640x360
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
   [1]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
      Size: Discrete 640x480
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
      Size: Discrete 640x360
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
   [2]: 'H264' (H.264, compressed)
      Size: Discrete 640x480
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
      Size: Discrete 1920x1080
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
      Size: Discrete 1280x720
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
      Size: Discrete 640x360
         Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)
         Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)
Le 1080p est présent donc devrait être possible.
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1532:0e03 Razer USA, Ltd Gaming Webcam [Kiyo]
lsusb -v
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1532:0e03 Razer USA, Ltd Gaming Webcam [Kiyo]
Couldn't open device, some information will be missing
Device Descriptor:
 bLength               18
 bDescriptorType        1
 bcdUSB              2.00
 bDeviceClass         239 Miscellaneous Device
 bDeviceSubClass        2
 bDeviceProtocol        1 Interface Association
 bMaxPacketSize0       64
 idVendor          0x1532 Razer USA, Ltd
 idProduct         0x0e03 Gaming Webcam [Kiyo]
 bcdDevice          79.13
 iManufacturer          1 Alpha Imaging Tech. Corp.
 iProduct               2 Razer Kiyo
 iSerial                0
 bNumConfigurations     1
 Configuration Descriptor:
   bLength                9
   bDescriptorType        2
   wTotalLength      0x02c7
   bNumInterfaces         4
   bConfigurationValue    1
   iConfiguration         0
   bmAttributes        0x80
     (Bus Powered)
   MaxPower             500mA
   Interface Association:
     bLength                8
     bDescriptorType       11
     bFirstInterface        0
     bInterfaceCount        2
     bFunctionClass        14 Video
     bFunctionSubClass      3 Video Interface Collection
     bFunctionProtocol      0
     iFunction              0
   Interface Descriptor:
     bLength                9
     bDescriptorType        4
     bInterfaceNumber       0
     bAlternateSetting      0
     bNumEndpoints          1
     bInterfaceClass       14 Video
     bInterfaceSubClass     1 Video Control
     bInterfaceProtocol     0
     iInterface             0
     VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
       bLength               13
       bDescriptorType       36
       bDescriptorSubtype     1 (HEADER)
       bcdUVC              1.00
       wTotalLength      0x0069
       dwClockFrequency      30.000000MHz
       bInCollection          1
       baInterfaceNr( 0)      1
     VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                9
       bDescriptorType       36
       bDescriptorSubtype     3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
       bTerminalID            4
       wTerminalType     0x0101 USB Streaming
       bAssocTerminal         0
       bSourceID              2
       iTerminal              0
     VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
       bLength               27
       bDescriptorType       36
       bDescriptorSubtype     6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
       bUnitID                2
       guidExtensionCode {2c49d16a-32b8-4485-3ea8-643a152362f2}
       bNumControls           6
       bNrInPins              1
       baSourceID( 0)         6
       bControlSize           2
       bmControls( 0)      0x3f
       bmControls( 1)      0x00
       iExtension             0
     VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
       bLength               27
       bDescriptorType       36
       bDescriptorSubtype     6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)
       bUnitID                6
       guidExtensionCode {23e49ed0-1178-4f31-ae52-d2fb8a8d3b48}
       bNumControls           5
       bNrInPins              1
       baSourceID( 0)         3
       bControlSize           2
       bmControls( 0)      0xff
       bmControls( 1)      0x6f
       iExtension             0
     VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
       bLength               18
       bDescriptorType       36
       bDescriptorSubtype     2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
       bTerminalID            1
       wTerminalType     0x0201 Camera Sensor
       bAssocTerminal         0
       iTerminal              0
       wObjectiveFocalLengthMin     0
       wObjectiveFocalLengthMax     0
       wOcularFocalLength           0
       bControlSize                 3
       bmControls          0x00020a2e
         Auto-Exposure Mode
         Auto-Exposure Priority
         Exposure Time (Absolute)
         Focus (Absolute)
         Zoom (Absolute)
         PanTilt (Absolute)
         Focus, Auto
     VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
       bLength               11
       bDescriptorType       36
       bDescriptorSubtype     5 (PROCESSING_UNIT)
     Warning: Descriptor too short
       bUnitID                3
       bSourceID              1
       wMaxMultiplier         0
       bControlSize           2
       bmControls    0x0000175b
         White Balance Temperature
         Backlight Compensation
         Power Line Frequency
         White Balance Temperature, Auto
       iProcessing            0
       bmVideoStandards    0x00
     Endpoint Descriptor:
       bLength                7
       bDescriptorType        5
       bEndpointAddress    0x84 EP 4 IN
       bmAttributes           3
         Transfer Type           Interrupt
         Synch Type              None
         Usage Type              Data
       wMaxPacketSize    0x0040 1x 64 bytes
       bInterval              8
   Interface Descriptor:
     bLength                9
     bDescriptorType        4
     bInterfaceNumber       1
     bAlternateSetting      0
     bNumEndpoints          0
     bInterfaceClass       14 Video
     bInterfaceSubClass     2 Video Streaming
     bInterfaceProtocol     0
     iInterface             0
     VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                           16
       bDescriptorType                   36
       bDescriptorSubtype                 1 (INPUT_HEADER)
       bNumFormats                        3
       wTotalLength                  0x01aa
       bEndPointAddress                 129
       bmInfo                             0
       bTerminalLink                      4
       bStillCaptureMethod                0
       bTriggerSupport                    0
       bTriggerUsage                      0
       bControlSize                       1
       bmaControls( 0)                    0
       bmaControls( 1)                    0
       bmaControls( 2)                    0
     VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                           11
       bDescriptorType                   36
       bDescriptorSubtype                 6 (FORMAT_MJPEG)
       bFormatIndex                       1
       bNumFrameDescriptors               4
       bFlags                             0
         Fixed-size samples: No
       bDefaultFrameIndex                 1
       bAspectRatioX                      0
       bAspectRatioY                      0
       bmInterlaceFlags                0x00
         Interlaced stream or variable: No
         Fields per frame: 1 fields
         Field 1 first: No
         Field pattern: Field 1 only
       bCopyProtect                       0
     VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                           30
       bDescriptorType                   36
       bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
       bFrameIndex                        1
       bmCapabilities                  0x00
         Still image unsupported
       wWidth                           640
       wHeight                          480
       dwMinBitRate                 3686400
       dwMaxBitRate                94371840
       dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576
       dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333
       bFrameIntervalType                 1
       dwFrameInterval( 0)           333333
     VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                           30
       bDescriptorType                   36
       bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
       bFrameIndex                        2
       bmCapabilities                  0x00
         Still image unsupported
       wWidth                          1920
       wHeight                         1080
       dwMinBitRate                 3686400
       dwMaxBitRate                94371840
       dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576
       dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333
       bFrameIntervalType                 1
       dwFrameInterval( 0)           333333
     VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                           34
       bDescriptorType                   36
       bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
       bFrameIndex                        3
       bmCapabilities                  0x00
         Still image unsupported
       wWidth                          1280
       wHeight                          720
       dwMinBitRate                 7372800
       dwMaxBitRate               188743680
       dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576
       dwDefaultFrameInterval        166666
       bFrameIntervalType                 2
       dwFrameInterval( 0)           166666
       dwFrameInterval( 1)           333333
     VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
       bLength                           30
       bDescriptorType                   36
       bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)
       bFrameIndex                        4
       bmCapabilities                  0x00
         Still image unsupported
       wWidth                           640
       wHeight                          360
       dwMinBitRate                 3686400
       dwMaxBitRate                94371840
       dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576
       dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333
       bFrameIntervalType                 1
       dwFrameInterval( 0)   Â
Je rajoute la sortie de v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext ioctl: VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT    Type: Video Capture    [0]: 'MJPG' (Motion-JPEG, compressed)       Size: Discrete 640x480          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1920x1080          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1280x720          Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 640x360          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)    [1]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)       Size: Discrete 640x480          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 640x360          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)    [2]: 'H264' (H.264, compressed)       Size: Discrete 640x480          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1920x1080          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 1280x720          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps)       Size: Discrete 640x360          Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.042s (24.000 fps)          Interval: Discrete 0.050s (20.000 fps) Le 1080p est présent donc devrait être possible. lsusb Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1532:0e03 Razer USA, Ltd Gaming Webcam [Kiyo] lsusb -v Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1532:0e03 Razer USA, Ltd Gaming Webcam [Kiyo] Couldn't open device, some information will be missing Device Descriptor:  bLength               18  bDescriptorType        1  bcdUSB              2.00  bDeviceClass         239 Miscellaneous Device  bDeviceSubClass        2  bDeviceProtocol        1 Interface Association  bMaxPacketSize0       64  idVendor          0x1532 Razer USA, Ltd  idProduct         0x0e03 Gaming Webcam [Kiyo]  bcdDevice          79.13  iManufacturer          1 Alpha Imaging Tech. Corp.  iProduct               2 Razer Kiyo  iSerial                0  bNumConfigurations     1  Configuration Descriptor:    bLength                9    bDescriptorType        2    wTotalLength      0x02c7    bNumInterfaces         4    bConfigurationValue    1    iConfiguration         0    bmAttributes        0x80      (Bus Powered)    MaxPower             500mA    Interface Association:      bLength                8      bDescriptorType       11      bFirstInterface        0      bInterfaceCount        2      bFunctionClass        14 Video      bFunctionSubClass      3 Video Interface Collection      bFunctionProtocol      0      iFunction              0    Interface Descriptor:      bLength                9      bDescriptorType        4      bInterfaceNumber       0      bAlternateSetting      0      bNumEndpoints          1      bInterfaceClass       14 Video      bInterfaceSubClass     1 Video Control      bInterfaceProtocol     0      iInterface             0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               13        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     1 (HEADER)        bcdUVC              1.00        wTotalLength      0x0069        dwClockFrequency      30.000000MHz        bInCollection          1        baInterfaceNr( 0)      1      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength                9        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)        bTerminalID            4        wTerminalType     0x0101 USB Streaming        bAssocTerminal         0        bSourceID              2        iTerminal              0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               27        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)        bUnitID                2        guidExtensionCode {2c49d16a-32b8-4485-3ea8-643a152362f2}        bNumControls           6        bNrInPins              1        baSourceID( 0)         6        bControlSize           2        bmControls( 0)      0x3f        bmControls( 1)      0x00        iExtension             0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               27        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     6 (EXTENSION_UNIT)        bUnitID                6        guidExtensionCode {23e49ed0-1178-4f31-ae52-d2fb8a8d3b48}        bNumControls           5        bNrInPins              1        baSourceID( 0)         3        bControlSize           2        bmControls( 0)      0xff        bmControls( 1)      0x6f        iExtension             0      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               18        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)        bTerminalID            1        wTerminalType     0x0201 Camera Sensor        bAssocTerminal         0        iTerminal              0        wObjectiveFocalLengthMin     0        wObjectiveFocalLengthMax     0        wOcularFocalLength           0        bControlSize                 3        bmControls          0x00020a2e          Auto-Exposure Mode          Auto-Exposure Priority          Exposure Time (Absolute)          Focus (Absolute)          Zoom (Absolute)          PanTilt (Absolute)          Focus, Auto      VideoControl Interface Descriptor:        bLength               11        bDescriptorType       36        bDescriptorSubtype     5 (PROCESSING_UNIT)      Warning: Descriptor too short        bUnitID                3        bSourceID              1        wMaxMultiplier         0        bControlSize           2        bmControls    0x0000175b          Brightness          Contrast          Saturation          Sharpness          White Balance Temperature          Backlight Compensation          Gain          Power Line Frequency          White Balance Temperature, Auto        iProcessing            0        bmVideoStandards    0x00      Endpoint Descriptor:        bLength                7        bDescriptorType        5        bEndpointAddress    0x84 EP 4 IN        bmAttributes           3          Transfer Type           Interrupt          Synch Type              None          Usage Type              Data        wMaxPacketSize    0x0040 1x 64 bytes        bInterval              8    Interface Descriptor:      bLength                9      bDescriptorType        4      bInterfaceNumber       1      bAlternateSetting      0      bNumEndpoints          0      bInterfaceClass       14 Video      bInterfaceSubClass     2 Video Streaming      bInterfaceProtocol     0      iInterface             0      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           16        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 1 (INPUT_HEADER)        bNumFormats                        3        wTotalLength                  0x01aa        bEndPointAddress                 129        bmInfo                             0        bTerminalLink                      4        bStillCaptureMethod                0        bTriggerSupport                    0        bTriggerUsage                      0        bControlSize                       1        bmaControls( 0)                    0        bmaControls( 1)                    0        bmaControls( 2)                    0      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           11        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 6 (FORMAT_MJPEG)        bFormatIndex                       1        bNumFrameDescriptors               4        bFlags                             0          Fixed-size samples: No        bDefaultFrameIndex                 1        bAspectRatioX                      0        bAspectRatioY                      0        bmInterlaceFlags                0x00          Interlaced stream or variable: No          Fields per frame: 1 fields          Field 1 first: No          Field pattern: Field 1 only        bCopyProtect                       0      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           30        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        1        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                           640        wHeight                          480        dwMinBitRate                 3686400        dwMaxBitRate                94371840        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333        bFrameIntervalType                 1        dwFrameInterval( 0)           333333      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           30        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        2        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                          1920        wHeight                         1080        dwMinBitRate                 3686400        dwMaxBitRate                94371840        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333        bFrameIntervalType                 1        dwFrameInterval( 0)           333333      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           34        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        3        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                          1280        wHeight                          720        dwMinBitRate                 7372800        dwMaxBitRate               188743680        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        166666        bFrameIntervalType                 2        dwFrameInterval( 0)           166666        dwFrameInterval( 1)           333333      VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:        bLength                           30        bDescriptorType                   36        bDescriptorSubtype                 7 (FRAME_MJPEG)        bFrameIndex                        4        bmCapabilities                  0x00          Still image unsupported        wWidth                           640        wHeight                          360        dwMinBitRate                 3686400        dwMaxBitRate                94371840        dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize    1048576        dwDefaultFrameInterval        333333        bFrameIntervalType                 1        dwFrameInterval( 0)   Â