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Fuite mémoire sur SQL SERVEUR

2 réponses

J'ai une fuite m=E9moire sur SQL SERVER.
Auriez-vous une solution pour r=E9soudre le probl=E8me.



2 réponses

il est aussi simple de répondre à ta demande que de répondre à la
question suivante :
ma voiture est en panne. Que dois-je réparer ?

Un peu d'explication... symptômes par exemple, serait le bienvenu !

A +

BERNARD a écrit:

J'ai une fuite mémoire sur SQL SERVER.
Auriez-vous une solution pour résoudre le problème.



Frédéric BROUARD, MVP Microsoft SQL Server. Langage SQL / Delphi / web
Livre SQL - col. Référence :
Le site du SQL, pour débutants et pros :
****************** mailto: ******************

Il faut commencer par cela dans l'aide en Ligne :

Aide en Ligne SQL Server 2000
====================== Dynamically Managing Memory on Windows NT and Windows 2000
When running on Microsoft® Windows NT® or Windows® 2000, the default memory
management behavior of the SQL Server database engine is not to acquire a
specific amount of memory, but to acquire as much memory as it can without
generating excess paging I/O. The database engine does this by acquiring as
much memory as is available, while leaving enough memory free to prevent the
operating system from swapping memory.

When an instance of SQL Server starts, it typically acquires 8 to 12 MB of
memory to complete the initialization process. After the instance has
finished initializing, it acquires no more memory until users connect to it
and start generating a workload. The instance then keeps acquiring memory as
required to support the workload. As more users connect and run queries, SQL
Server acquires the additional memory required to support the demand. The
instance will keep acquiring memory until it reaches its memory allocation
target, it will not free any memory until it reaches the lower limit of the

To acquire as much memory as possible without generating excess paging I/O,
each instance of SQL Server sets a target of acquiring memory until free
physical memory on the computer is in the range of 4 MB to 10 MB. This range
was chosen because testing has shown that Windows NT and Windows 2000 have
minimal memory swapping until the memory allocations equal the available
physical memory minus 4 MB. An instance of SQL Server that is processing a
heavy workload keeps the free physical memory at the lower end (4 MB) of the
range; an instance that is processing a light workload keeps the free memory
at the higher end of the range (10 MB).

An instance of SQL Server will vary its target as the workload changes. As
more users connect and generate more work, the instance will tend to acquire
more memory to keep the available free memory down at the 4 MB limit. As the
workload lightens, the instance will adjust its target towards 10 MB of free
space, and will free memory to the operating system. Keeping the amount of
free space between 10 MB and 4 MB keeps Windows NT or Windows 2000 from
paging excessively, while at the same time allowing SQL Server to have the
largest buffer cache possible that will not cause extra swapping.

The target memory setting for an instance is related to the demand for pages
in the database buffer pool relative to the size of the available pool. At
any point in time, the overall demand for buffer pages is determined by the
number of data pages required to satisfy all of the currently executing
queries. If the demand for data pages is large relative to the number of
pages in the buffer cache, then each page currently in the buffer is likely
to be replaced by a new page in a relatively short time. This is measured by
the page life expectancy performance counter of the Buffer Manager object.
Having a high demand against a relatively small buffer generates a short
life expectancy, the net effect is that I/O is increased because pages tend
to be overwritten before they can be referenced by multiple logical reads.
The database engine can alleviate this by acquiring more memory to increase
the size of the buffer cache. The database engine will target free memory at
the high end of the target (10 MB) when the page life expectancy is long,
and at the low end of the target range (4 MB) when the page life expectancy
is short.

As other applications are started on a computer running an instance of SQL
Server, they consume memory and the amount of free physical memory drops
below the SQL Server target. The instance of SQL Server then frees enough
memory from its address space to raise the amount of free memory back to the
SQL Server target. If another application is stopped and more memory becomes
available, the instance of SQL Server increases the size of its memory
allocation. SQL Server can free and acquire several megabytes of memory each
second, allowing it to quickly adjust to memory allocation


"BERNARD" wrote in message

J'ai une fuite mémoire sur SQL SERVER.
Auriez-vous une solution pour résoudre le problème.

