Linux 3.5 was released (again)

1 réponse
•The developers of the CIFS client code have added various basic
components to support the Server Message Block 2 (SMB2) protocol that
was introduced with Windows Vista;

-> Génial, Linux va enfin pouvoir transférer un peu plus vite sur le
LAN.. Dingue !

however, the support is currently incomplete and has, therefore, been
marked as "broken" (1, 2).

-> Ah, ben finalement, on va rester comme cela, hein ?!!?!




1 réponse

Le 23/07/2012 21:16, P4nd1-P4nd4 a écrit :
•The developers of the CIFS client code have added various basic
components to support the Server Message Block 2 (SMB2) protocol that
was introduced with Windows Vista;

-> Génial, Linux va enfin pouvoir transférer un peu plus vite sur le
LAN.. Dingue !

Non, Linux va pouvoir communiquer encore plus vite avec Windows que deux
Windows entre eux. Et ceci sans avoir les plans ...

however, the support is currently incomplete and has, therefore, been
marked as "broken" (1, 2).

-> Ah, ben finalement, on va rester comme cela, hein ?!!?!

Non ! Broken n'a pas la même signification que 'Ton windows est broken'.
Mais t'es juste trop bêêêêêêête pour comprendre.




Je sais, ça me fait pareil quand je regarde l'évolution de Microsoft ...

Le mode sans échec de Windows est la preuve que son
mode normal est un échec !

SONY : It only does everything ... until we remove !
PS3 Firmware update 3.21 :
The first software update which downgrade !