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A LIRE !!! -> Major Linux Problems on the Desktop 2015 edition

2 réponses
Voici un bon article qui mets les kikouillioous le nez dans le caca.

Et au point qu'ils en ressortent le muserau tout brun ;>)

Celui qui lit l'article jusqu'au bout risque de ne plus pouvoir
s'asseoir avec une bonne vingtaine de jour, spécialement JKB ;>)

Bonne lecture.

A vos marques .... Prêt.... PARTEZ !!!

- Je suis Windows -

2 réponses

Tonton Th
On 2015-07-22, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1.P4nd4@> wrote:

Celui qui lit l'article jusqu'au bout risque de ne plus pouvoir
s'asseoir avec une bonne vingtaine de jour, spécialement JKB ;>)

Effectivement, il y a de quoi bien rigoler dans cet article :

I want to make one thing crystal clear - Windows, in some regards, is
even worse than Linux and it's definitely not ready for the desktop
either. Off the top of my head I want to name the following quite
devastating issues with Windows: • devastating Windows rot, • no
enforced file system and registry hierarchy (I have yet to find a
single serious application which can uninstall itself cleanly and
fully), • svchost.exe, • no true safe mode, • no clean state, • the
user as a system administrator (thus viruses/malware - most users
don't and won't understand UAC warnings), • no good packaging mechanism
(MSI is a fragile abomination), • no system wide update mechanism
(which includes third party software), • Windows is extremely difficult
to debug, • Windows boot problems are often fatal and unsolvable unless
you reinstall from scratch, • Windows is hardware dependent (especially
when running from UEFI), • Windows updates are terribly unreliable and
they also waste disk space, • there's no way to cleanly upgrade your
system (there will be thousands of leftovers), etc.

Bonne lecture.

Tonton Th wrote on 23/07/2015 06:57:
On 2015-07-22, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1.P4nd4@> wrote:

Celui qui lit l'article jusqu'au bout risque de ne plus pouvoir
s'asseoir avec une bonne vingtaine de jour, spécialement JKB ;>)

Effectivement, il y a de quoi bien rigoler dans cet article :

I want to make one thing crystal clear - Windows, in some regards, is
even worse than Linux and it's definitely not ready for the desktop
either. Off the top of my head I want to name the following quite
devastating issues with Windows: • devastating Windows rot, • no
enforced file system and registry hierarchy (I have yet to find a
single serious application which can uninstall itself cleanly and
fully), • svchost.exe, • no true safe mode, • no clean state, • the
user as a system administrator (thus viruses/malware - most users
don't and won't understand UAC warnings), • no good packaging mechanism
(MSI is a fragile abomination), • no system wide update mechanism
(which includes third party software), • Windows is extremely difficult
to debug, • Windows boot problems are often fatal and unsolvable unless
you reinstall from scratch, • Windows is hardware dependent (especially
when running from UEFI), • Windows updates are terribly unreliable and
they also waste disk space, • there's no way to cleanly upgrade your
system (there will be thousands of leftovers), etc.

Effectivement ... tu n'a pas lu toutes les horreurs de linux au delà de
la ligne:
If you believe Linux is perfect and it has no problems,
please close this page.