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macro VBA pour envoi fax depuis Excel

2 réponses
gerald dme

je cherche =E0 faire une macro pour effectuer une t=E2che multiple et
r=E9p=E9titive !!!
j'ai un document excel avec une page contenant une liste de
destinataires et leurs num=E9ro de FAX dans une colonne.
j'ai un document type PDF ou word enregistr=E9 dans le m=EAme r=E9pertoire
que le fichier excel.
je voudrais faire une macro excel qui enverrai ce document vers
l'ensemble des num=E9ros de fax pr=E9sent dans une colonne.
mon ordinateur est reli=E9 =E0 une imprimante FAX TOSHIBA e-studio 451

d'habitude je me d=E9brouille , mais l=E0 je cale !!!!

2 réponses


Voici un bout de code pour faire un publipostage avec Word.

Tu dois ajouter la référence "Faxcom 1.0 Type Library" à partir
de la fenêtre de l'éditeur de code / barre des menus / outils / références/

Désolé pour les commentaires en anglais mais je n'assure pas la traduction en français.

Perso, je ne l'ai jamais utilisé et je suis bien conscient que cela peut être une tâche
ardu pour réaliser ce que tu veux faire... disons que cela te donne un exemple de
code qui peut t'inspirer...

Sub MergeOneFaxPerSourceRec()

' Disclaimer: Use this macro at your own risk.
' Purpose: Perform one Word mailmerge for each record in
' a Word data source, sending the results of each
' merge to a different fax number specified in a
' column of the data source
' Author: Peter J Jamieson
' Date: November 2003
' Assumes: Word 2000 or later (Word 97 might work)
' Windows 2000 or later, with the standard
' fax service software installed and
' configured to use a working fax device
' You have used Tools|References in the VBA
' editor to add the appropriate type library
' ("Faxcom 1.0 Type Library")
' You correctly adapt the macro to your
' environment
' Overview: The routine performs one merge per record
' in the data source. For each merge, the macro:
' - creates a new Word document
' - "prints" the document to the Fax printer,
' but outputting the result to a .tif file
' rather than allowing the fax printer to
' send the fax directly. This allows us to
' specify the fax number etc. in the macro
' rather than having to respond to the fax
' printer's dialog box.
' - submits the tif file to the fax service
' - discards the Word document
' Notes: This does not use the Extended Fax client API
' because it is not available in Windows 2000.
' This macro relies on the fax service to deliver
' the faxes once they have been submitted. You
' should use the fax service to verify which faxes
' have been sent and which, if any, failed. The fax
' service should retain a copy of each fax submitted
' so that retransmission should be feasible from
' within the service, i.e. without re-running the
' merge.

' NB, needs bettor error management and doubtless other
' things a VBA expert would point out.

' Specify the path for the .tif files saved by the Fax Printer
' This path must exist and the name should end with ""
Const sTifFolder = "c:tif"
' Specify the name of the .tif file to output
Const sTifFile = "mergetif.tif"
' Specify the fax printer name that makes it all work
Const sFaxPrinter = "Fax"

Dim bFaxPortAvailable As Boolean
Dim bFaxServerAvailable As Boolean

Dim bTerminateMerge As Boolean

Dim lJobID As Long
Dim lSourceRecord As Long

Dim oApp As Word.Application
Dim oDataFields As Word.MailMergeDataFields
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
Dim oFaxDoc As FAXCOMLib.FaxDoc
Dim oFaxPort As FAXCOMLib.FaxPort
Dim oFaxPorts As FAXCOMLib.FaxPorts
Dim oFaxServer As FAXCOMLib.FaxServer
Dim oMerge As Word.MailMerge

Dim sActivePrinter As String
Dim sTifPath As String

' Phase 1.
' Connect to the Fax server
' and optionally see if a Port is available

Set oFaxServer = CreateObject("FaxServer.FaxServer")

If oFaxServer Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not create a fax server object"
bFaxServerAvailable = False
' This should connect us to the fax server on the current machine
oFaxServer.Connect Servername:=Environ("computername")
bFaxServerAvailable = True
bFaxPortAvailable = True

' begin optional section
' - ensure that at least one output port is available
' - not essential but we will just see an error later
' if no output port is available
Set oFaxPorts = oFaxServer.GetPorts
If oFaxPorts.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "The fax server has no fax devices"
bFaxPortAvailable = False
' look for a port that can send
For i = 1 To oFaxPorts.Count
Set oFaxPort = oFaxPorts.Item(i)
If oFaxPort.Send = 0 Then
Set oFaxPort = Nothing
Exit For
End If
If oFaxPort Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "The fax server has no ports configured to send faxes"
bFaxPortAvailable = False
' at the moment we do not use the FaxPort object to get status
' info. so just get rid of it
Set oFaxPort = Nothing
End If
End If
' we do not need this either
Set oFaxPorts = Nothing
' end optional section

End If

' Phase 2.
' We can fax, so set up the printer
' and start the merges.

If bFaxServerAvailable And bFaxPortAvailable Then

' You may need to change this
Set oApp = Application

' The mail merge main document is assumed
' to be the active document in the current
' instance of Word
Set oDoc = oApp.ActiveDocument
Set oMerge = oDoc.MailMerge
Set oDataFields = oMerge.DataSource.DataFields

' save and set up the active printer
sActivePrinter = oApp.ActivePrinter
' don't change the printer if it is already
' correctly set up
' (I had problems when I tried to switch
' to the fax printer in code)
' you may need to adjust this for your
' fax printer name
If Left(sActivePrinter, 3) <> sFaxPrinter Then
oApp.ActivePrinter = sFaxPrinter
End If

With oMerge

' If no data source has been defined,
' do it here using OpenDataSource.
' But if it is already defined in the document,
' you should not need to define it here.

' .OpenDataSource _
' Name:="whatever"

lSourceRecord = 1
bTerminateMerge = False

Do Until bTerminateMerge
.DataSource.ActiveRecord = lSourceRecord

' if we have gone past the end
' (and possibly, if there are no records)
' then the Activerecord will not be what
' we have just tried to set it to

If .DataSource.ActiveRecord <> lSourceRecord Then
bTerminateMerge = True
.DataSource.FirstRecord = lSourceRecord
.DataSource.LastRecord = lSourceRecord
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument

' Word always sets the output document produced
' by the merge to be the ActiveDocument

' Now print to the fax printer, specifying an
' OutputFileName.
' Specifying Background:úlse is
' particularly important or the fax stage
' will fail later

' create the full path name for the file.
' (done separately so you can change the way
' you create the name and re-use the name later)

sTifPath = sTifFolder + sTifFile
oApp.PrintOut _
Background:úlse, _
Append:úlse, _
Range:=wdPrintAllDocument, _
OutputFileName:=sTifPath, _
Item:=wdPrintDocumentContent, _
Copies:=1, _
PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _

' Don't need the document any more
oApp.ActiveDocument.Close Savechanges:úlse

' Now make a FaxDocument
Set oFaxDoc = oFaxServer.CreateDocument(sTifPath)
If oFaxDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not create the fax document"
' you could consider finishing here by setting
' TerminateMerge = True
' fill in whatever details you need
' from the data source or elsewhere
With oFaxDoc
' The number to send to. The only really essential
' piece of information. Here we get it from
' a field in the data source called "faxnumber"
.FaxNumber = oDataFields("faxnumber")

' DisplayName is a "user-friendly" name used
' by the Fax Server when you e.g. inspect the
' current fax status

' here we get it from a field in the data source
' called ufname
.DisplayName = oDataFields("ufname")
' here we just set it to ""
'.DisplayName = ""

' If you want a cover page, set SendCoverPage
' to a nonzero value. You could define whether
' or not you want a cover page, and which
' page to use, in your data source. However,
' if you specify a cover page, you /must/
' provide a valid name for the page. This code
' does not verify whether you do or not.
.SendCoverpage = 0

' If the cover page (.cov file) is a common
' cover page located on the server (i.e. in the
' default folder), set ServerCoverPage=-1
' and provide the name of the cover page
' If the cover page is somewhere else,
' set ServerCoverPage=0 and specify the
' full path name of the cover page
.ServerCoverpage = 1
.CoverpageName = ""

' The following items may be used in the coverpage
' or they may be displayed in fax service status
' dialog boxes. The items visible in the Win2000
' fax status are indicated by
'** displayed in dialog

.CoverpageNote = ""
.CoverpageSubject = ""
.EmailAddress = ""
.RecipientAddress = ""
.RecipientCity = ""
.RecipientCompany = ""
.RecipientCountry = ""
.RecipientDepartment = ""
.RecipientHomePhone = ""
'** displayed in dialog
.RecipientName = ""
.RecipientOffice = ""
.RecipientOfficePhone = ""
.RecipientState = ""
.RecipientTitle = ""
.RecipientZip = ""
.SenderAddress = ""
'** displayed in dialog
.SenderCompany = ""
'** displayed in dialog
.SenderDepartment = ""
.SenderFax = ""
.SenderHomePhone = ""
'** displayed in dialog
.SenderName = ""
.SenderOffice = ""
.SenderOfficePhone = ""
.SenderTitle = ""

'** displayed in dialog
.BillingCode = ""

' DiscountSend = 0 means "send immediately
' If you have set up discount periods, setting
' DiscountSend to a nonzero value will make the
' fax service send in a discount period
.DiscountSend = 0

' In theory, the TSID is the Fax sender ID printed
' on the fax, i.e. typically your contact fax number,
' but the value set up in the fax service appears to
' override any value set here.
'.Tsid = ""
End With

' Now send the thing. We don't actually do anything
' with the ID except check it is nonzero

lJobID = oFaxDoc.Send()
Set oFaxDoc = Nothing
End If
End If
' move to the next record
lSourceRecord = lSourceRecord + 1
End With

' All done. Restore the previous printer
' if necessary. You may need to tweak this
If Left(sActivePrinter, 3) <> sFaxPrinter Then
oApp.ActivePrinter = sActivePrinter
End If

Set oDataFields = Nothing
Set oMerge = Nothing
Set oDoc = Nothing

'Set oApp = Nothing

End If

If bFaxServerAvailable Then
Set oFaxServer = Nothing
End If

End Sub


"gerald dme" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :


je cherche à faire une macro pour effectuer une tâche multiple et
répétitive !!!
j'ai un document excel avec une page contenant une liste de
destinataires et leurs numéro de FAX dans une colonne.
j'ai un document type PDF ou word enregistré dans le même répertoire
que le fichier excel.
je voudrais faire une macro excel qui enverrai ce document vers
l'ensemble des numéros de fax présent dans une colonne.
mon ordinateur est relié à une imprimante FAX TOSHIBA e-studio 451

d'habitude je me débrouille , mais là je cale !!!!
Voici un autre exemple de code plus simple pour envoyer un fax avec Excel.

Je suppose que l'on pourrait utiliser ce code dans une boucle en adaptant un peu le codee

La procédure requiert la référence suivante :
'Faxcom 1.0 Type Library

'définition des paramètres de la ligne de code
'ServName name of your computer
'DocName document which you want to send, in your case it's Report
'FaxNo Fax number where you want the fax to be delivered

Sub Text()
'Les paramètres : ServName DocName Fax number Nom Destinataire
MonFax = SendFax(Environ("computerName"), "c:NomDuFichier.txt", "12456536", "Daniel")
End Sub

Public Function SendFax(ServName As String, DocName As String, _
FaxNo As String, RecName As String) As String

'varable for FAX Server
Dim FaxServer As FAXCOMLib.FaxServer
Dim FaxDoc As FAXCOMLib.FaxDoc

'on error execution jumps to lable ErrSendFax
On Error GoTo ErrSendFax

'Create FaxServer object...
Set FaxServer = CreateObject("FaxServer.FaxServer")
'...and connect to it - no empty name allowed
FaxServer.Connect (ServName)
'Attaches document for sending FAX
Set FaxDoc = FaxServer.CreateDocument(DocName)

'Recepent FAX Number
FaxDoc.FaxNumber = FaxNo
'Recepent Name
FaxDoc.RecipientName = RecName
'Sends FAX using telephone which must be connected to FAX MODEM
'Kills FaxDoc Object
Set FaxDoc = Nothing
'Connection is Terminated
'Kills FaxServer object
Set FaxServer = Nothing
'Message is sent Back to calling function
SendFax = ""
Exit Function
'on error execution jumps here
'Message is sent back to calling function
SendFax = "n"
End Function


"gerald dme" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :


je cherche à faire une macro pour effectuer une tâche multiple et
répétitive !!!
j'ai un document excel avec une page contenant une liste de
destinataires et leurs numéro de FAX dans une colonne.
j'ai un document type PDF ou word enregistré dans le même répertoire
que le fichier excel.
je voudrais faire une macro excel qui enverrai ce document vers
l'ensemble des numéros de fax présent dans une colonne.
mon ordinateur est relié à une imprimante FAX TOSHIBA e-studio 451

d'habitude je me débrouille , mais là je cale !!!!