problem with explorer.exe in vista during boot

1 réponse
im new to vista and realy need your help.
I finally got Vista installed, but all I get is a blue screen after logging
in. The desktop icons and taskbar do not load. I can ctrl+alt+delete to get
the task manage and run programs...very strange, what have i done?

1 réponse

Michel Doucet
Bonjour/soir, le Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:39:05 +0000, *ray* a caressé son
clavier pour nous dire dans le message suivant:

im new to vista and realy need your help. I finally got Vista installed,
but all I get is a blue screen after logging in. The desktop icons and
taskbar do not load. I can ctrl+alt+delete to get the task manage and
run programs...very strange, what have i done?

You're on the Vista French Group ...
Follow up to

Utiliser le butineur, le courrielleur, le lecteur de nouvelles
et l'OS avec lesquels vous vous sentez le plus sécurisé ... ;)
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