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question about re-draw windowed control

1 réponse
--== Alain ==--

I have a question about drawing windowed control.

For example, i have a windowed control, let's called it C1 (as container
for example).
its width = 300 px and height = 200 px.

C1 displays some other windowed controls, however, not all are displayed
initially when C1 is painted. for example C2 can be located on point
500,300 (x,y).

therefore, C2 is not displayed initially,

I have 4 buttons which allow me to scroll from right to left or bottom
to top the "canvas" (display surface) of C1.

However, i would like to understand how i can shift this canvas based on
button click ?

I mean if i click on "Right Button" 10 times, the drawing region of C1
should be re-draw to reflect this shift. So, C1 should be repaint to
display the region : 10,0,300,200 (x,y,width,height).

I suppose that i have to use the paint event with clip, cliprectangle
and bound. Moreover, i should compare repaint window surface (clipped
region) to something...but to what ?

I would be very glad if i can get some tutorial or example on similar
topics. It will help me in my understanding.



1 réponse

Au secours!

Je me permets de poser relative à ASPNET sous Windows Vista:

Alors que mes sites Web ASPNET (framework V1.1.4322) de types dynamiques
fonctionnent parfaitement Windows Server 2003 et sur XP PRO ils posent des
problemes sous Windows Vista alors que j'ai installé et démarré le framework

Apparamment ASPNET/IIS sur Windows Vista ne voit pas les controles

Le code que j'utilise est le suivant:

Fichier index:

<%@ Page Language="C#" SmartNavigation="true" Debug="true" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Ins" TagName="includNavigationBar"
src="NavigationBar.ascx" %>




<body bgColor="#ffffff" >

<form runat="server" >

<table width="998px" cellspacing="0" height="25px" bgColor="#F8F0E6"

<tr class="ligne2">

<td width="998px" Class="NavigationBar" height="100%" valign="top" >

<Ins:includNavigationBar runat="server" id="NavigationBar" bgcolor=#4B92D9




Fichier NavigationBar.ascx.cs

<%@ Control Language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="WebApplication2.WebUserControl7" Src="WebApplication1.ascx.cs"%>


IE m'indique qu'il ne trouve pas le contrôle NavigationBar_ascx pourtant
bien présent sur le serveur.

D'avance merci


Sevry Patrick.