Ridiculisé sur une question Linux à l'Uni

7 réponses
Ca montre bien que Linoux, tout le monde s'en foux

I study Computer Science at a university in Melbourne, Australia. I
recently went to a 'Directions of IT' seminar run by our central IT
department, where students were invited to discuss issues with the
senior management of IT. During discussion about proposed changes to
our campus-wide wireless network, I asked if the new system would
support Macs, Linux and other Operating Systems. Several of the
managers laughed at this question, and one exclaimed 'Linux!' as if it
was the punchline to a joke. The head of IT at least treated my
question seriously, but I didn't get a concrete answer. So, I would
like to ask Slashdot: Does your university/college provide support for
Linux/BSD/etc users to connect to the on-campus wireless? How does IT
support Linux users generally? Have IT staff ever ridiculed you for
asking questions about Linux?"

7 réponses

Le 10-06-2011, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1-P4nd4@> a écrit :
Ca montre bien que Linoux, tout le monde s'en foux
[snip le copié coller]

Non, ça montre surtout que les zinformaticiens de l'université de
melbourne sont de grosses tanches - et accessoirement que tu es
Remarque, venant de la part de quelqu'un qui veut installer openoffice
sur un serveur dédié, plus rien ne m'étonne.
On 10 juin, 16:59, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1-P4nd4@> wrote:
Ca montre bien que Linoux, tout le monde s'en foux

I study Computer Science at a university in Melbourne, Australia. I
recently went to a 'Directions of IT' seminar run by our central IT
department, where students were invited to discuss issues with the
senior management of IT. During discussion about proposed changes to
our campus-wide wireless network, I asked if the new system would
support Macs, Linux and other Operating Systems. Several of the
managers laughed at this question, and one exclaimed 'Linux!' as if it
was the punchline to a joke. The head of IT at least treated my
question seriously, but I didn't get a concrete answer. So, I would
like to ask Slashdot: Does your university/college provide support for
Linux/BSD/etc users to connect to the on-campus wireless? How does IT
support Linux users generally? Have IT staff ever ridiculed you for
asking questions about Linux?"

Y a pas de mauvais outils, y a que de mauvais ouvrier
( informaticien ) ...

Le 10/06/2011, ptilou a supposé :
On 10 juin, 16:59, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1-P4nd4@> wrote:
Ca montre bien que Linoux, tout le monde s'en foux

I study Computer Science at a university in Melbourne, Australia. I
recently went to a 'Directions of IT' seminar run by our central IT
department, where students were invited to discuss issues with the
senior management of IT. During discussion about proposed changes to
our campus-wide wireless network, I asked if the new system would
support Macs, Linux and other Operating Systems. Several of the
managers laughed at this question, and one exclaimed 'Linux!' as if it
was the punchline to a joke. The head of IT at least treated my
question seriously, but I didn't get a concrete answer. So, I would
like to ask Slashdot: Does your university/college provide support for
Linux/BSD/etc users to connect to the on-campus wireless? How does IT
support Linux users generally? Have IT staff ever ridiculed you for
asking questions about Linux?"

Y a pas de mauvais outils, y a que de mauvais ouvrier
( informaticien ) ...


ba tu n'as qu'a essayer de dévissé une vis cruciforme avec un marteau,
juste pour voir...


Toutes les fautes d'orthographes de ce message sont sous copyright et
sont la propriété exclusive de l'auteur de ce message, toutes
reproductions est interdite et donnerais lieu à des poursuites.
© pipolin
On 10 juin, 18:17, *.-pipolin-.* wrote:
Le 10/06/2011, ptilou a supposé :

> On 10 juin, 16:59, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1-P4nd4@> wrote:
>> Ca montre bien que Linoux, tout le monde s'en foux

>> I study Computer Science at a university in Melbourne, Australia. I
>> recently went to a 'Directions of IT' seminar run by our central IT
>> department, where students were invited to discuss issues with the
>> senior management of IT. During discussion about proposed changes to
>> our campus-wide wireless network, I asked if the new system would
>> support Macs, Linux and other Operating Systems. Several of the
>> managers laughed at this question, and one exclaimed 'Linux!' as if it
>> was the punchline to a joke. The head of IT at least treated my
>> question seriously, but I didn't get a concrete answer. So, I would
>> like to ask Slashdot: Does your university/college provide support for
>> Linux/BSD/etc users to connect to the on-campus wireless? How does IT
>> support Linux users generally? Have IT staff ever ridiculed you for
>> asking questions about Linux?"

> Y a pas de mauvais outils, y a que de mauvais ouvrier
> ( informaticien ) ...

> Ptilou

ba tu n'as qu'a essayer de dévissé une vis cruciforme avec un marteau ,
juste pour voir...

Tu lime l'embout du marteau ...
Tonton Th
On 06/10/2011 06:17 PM, *.-pipolin-.* wrote:

ba tu n'as qu'a essayer de dévissé une vis cruciforme avec un marteau,
juste pour voir...

On avait dit : "pas de troll sur la registry".

Je cherche un nouveau travail...
Le 10/06/2011 18:17, *.-pipolin-.* a écrit :
Le 10/06/2011, ptilou a supposé :
On 10 juin, 16:59, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1-P4nd4@> wrote:
Ca montre bien que Linoux, tout le monde s'en foux

I study Computer Science at a university in Melbourne, Australia. I
recently went to a 'Directions of IT' seminar run by our central IT
department, where students were invited to discuss issues with the
senior management of IT. During discussion about proposed changes to
our campus-wide wireless network, I asked if the new system would
support Macs, Linux and other Operating Systems. Several of the
managers laughed at this question, and one exclaimed 'Linux!' as if it
was the punchline to a joke. The head of IT at least treated my
question seriously, but I didn't get a concrete answer. So, I would
like to ask Slashdot: Does your university/college provide support for
Linux/BSD/etc users to connect to the on-campus wireless? How does IT
support Linux users generally? Have IT staff ever ridiculed you for
asking questions about Linux?"

Y a pas de mauvais outils, y a que de mauvais ouvrier
( informaticien ) ...


ba tu n'as qu'a essayer de dévissé une vis cruciforme avec un marteau,
juste pour voir...

Ce qui prouve que tu es un mauvais ouvrier. Un bon ouvrier, lui,
emploierais un tournevis cruciforme ...

Le mode sans échec de Windows est la preuve que son
mode normal est un échec !

SONY : It only does everything ... until we remove !
PS3 Firmware update 3.21 :
The first software update which downgrade !
NiKo avait énoncé :
Le 10/06/2011 18:17, *.-pipolin-.* a écrit :
Le 10/06/2011, ptilou a supposé :
On 10 juin, 16:59, P4nd1-P4nd4 <P4nd1-P4nd4@> wrote:
Ca montre bien que Linoux, tout le monde s'en foux

I study Computer Science at a university in Melbourne, Australia. I
recently went to a 'Directions of IT' seminar run by our central IT
department, where students were invited to discuss issues with the
senior management of IT. During discussion about proposed changes to
our campus-wide wireless network, I asked if the new system would
support Macs, Linux and other Operating Systems. Several of the
managers laughed at this question, and one exclaimed 'Linux!' as if it
was the punchline to a joke. The head of IT at least treated my
question seriously, but I didn't get a concrete answer. So, I would
like to ask Slashdot: Does your university/college provide support for
Linux/BSD/etc users to connect to the on-campus wireless? How does IT
support Linux users generally? Have IT staff ever ridiculed you for
asking questions about Linux?"

Y a pas de mauvais outils, y a que de mauvais ouvrier
( informaticien ) ...


ba tu n'as qu'a essayer de dévissé une vis cruciforme avec un marteau,
juste pour voir...

Ce qui prouve que tu es un mauvais ouvrier. Un bon ouvrier, lui,
emploierais un tournevis cruciforme ...

mais oui mais oui ...

chte souhaite juste d'être aussi compétent dans ton métier que je le
suis dans le miens...



Toutes les fautes d'orthographes de ce message sont sous copyright et
sont la propriété exclusive de l'auteur de ce message, toutes
reproductions est interdite et donnerais lieu à des poursuites.
© pipolin