what big exciting changes can we expect from Linux 3.0?

6 réponses
NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Sure, we have the usual two thirds driver
changes, and a lot of random fixes, but the point is that 3.0 is
*just* about renumbering, we are very much *not* doing a KDE-4 or a
Gnome-3 here. No breakage, no special scary new features, nothing at
all like that. We’ve been doing time-based releases for many years now,
this is in no way about features. If you want an excuse for the
renumbering, you really should look at the time-based one (”20 years”)

So no ABI [application binary interface] changes, no API [application
programming interface] changes, no magical new features - just steady
plodding progress. In addition to the driver changes (and the bulk
really is driver updates), we’ve had some nice VFS [virtual file
system] cleanups, various VM [virtual machine] fixes, some nice initial
ARM consolidation (yay!) and in general this is supposed to be a fairly
normal release cycle. The merge window was a few days shorter than
usual, but if that ends up meaning a smaller release and a nice stable
3.0 release, that is all good. There’s absolutely no reason to aim for
the traditional “.0″ problems that so many projects have.

La messe estr dite

6 réponses


what big exciting changes can we expect from Linux 3.0?

3.0 means 3th decade. It promises you a lot of work.

defend your market share, that's what you'll die for.

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marc a formulé ce lundi :

what big exciting changes can we expect from Linux 3.0?

3.0 means 3th decade. It promises you a lot of work.

I am waiting for the spectaculars results

defend your market share, that's what you'll die for.

linux will disappear on its own, like like a booger lost
a papoté sur Usenet le 18 juillet 2011 09:20:

La messe estr dite

Tu est vraiment, mais alors là vraiment pathétique. Il faudrait que tu
te fabriques une vie un de ces jours. Tu sais, sortir dehors, rencontrer
de vraies personnes, et même leur parler. Ouah! Quel défi.
Frederic Bezies
Le Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:43:27 +0200, P4nd1-P4nd4 a écrit :

marc a formulé ce lundi :

what big exciting changes can we expect from Linux 3.0?

3.0 means 3th decade. It promises you a lot of work.

I am waiting for the spectaculars results

defend your market share, that's what you'll die for.

linux will disappear on its own, like like a booger lost

Apprends l'anglais avant de le massacrer.

Frederic Bezies -
Blog : http://frederic.bezies.free.fr/blog/
Tonton Th
On 07/18/2011 10:41 PM, Dellara wrote:

Tu est vraiment, mais alors là vraiment pathétique. Il faudrait que tu
te fabriques une vie un de ces jours. Tu sais, sortir dehors, rencontrer
de vraies personnes, et même leur parler. Ouah! Quel défi.

C'est triste ton avis sur les vraies personnes.


Nous vivons dans un monde étrange/
Frederic Bezies wrote:

Apprends l'anglais avant de le massacrer.

comme il travaille en Suisse, il devrait parler la langue des fermiers?

ou c'est la langue des Boers, en Sud Afrique?

What's on Shortwave guide: choose an hour, go!
700+ Radio Stations on SW http://swstations.tk
300+ languages on SW http://radiolanguages.tk