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Zone de liste multi selection comme critère requete

1 réponse
Bonjour à tous

je recherche svp une aide , un module concernant l'utilisation comme
critères pour une requête les entrées choisies dans une zone multi
sélections ?

Merci Bcp M

1 réponse

J'ai trouvé ce qui suit sur le site

Bon courage
Ken Getz

You've given your users a multi-select box and they've selected the items
they want. This code turns their selection into a SQL Where clause so you
can retrieve the items they've asked for. The IN keyword works nicely here
because it matches all the items in a list (such as IN("item1", "item2", . .
.)). The code creates the necessary input by walking the ItemsSelected
collection of the list box, tacking every element in the property onto a
string, and putting quotes around it:

Function BuildIn(lstItems As Control, _

strFieldName As String) As String

Dim varItem As Variant

Dim strOut As String

Const conQuote = """"

If lstItems.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then

BuildIn = ""


For Each varItem In lstItems.ItemsSelected

strOut = strOut & "," & conQuote & _

lstItems.ItemData(varItem) & conQuote

Next varItem

' Get rid of leading comma.

BuildIn = " WHERE " & strFieldName & _

" IN (" & Mid$(strOut, 2) & ")"

End If

End Function

Then, calling this function and passing in a reference to the list box, it
should return a string containing something like "WHERE CustomerID IN
("Item1","Item2","Item3")". You could tag this onto your SQL like this
(assuming that strSQL already contains something like "SELECT * FROM

strSQL = strSQL & _

BuildIn(Me!lstCustomerIDS, "CustomerID")

Now strSQL will contain "SELECT * FROM tblCustomers WHERE CustomerID IN

If your items in the list box contain quotes (that is, the double-quote
character), this will fail, and you'll need to find some other way to
delimit the strings from the list box.

( _ /)
(")-(") .

"Marc" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :
Bonjour à tous

je recherche svp une aide , un module concernant l'utilisation comme
critères pour une requête les entrées choisies dans une zone multi
sélections ?

Merci Bcp M